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  • Umoja ni Nguvu

  • We are excited if you decide to be part of our community

  • Sharing cultural experiences, get to know your fellow Tanzanians and be part of this community

  • Enjoy many benefits for becoming a member

  • Please read our constitution prior to joining.

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Theme set specifics

This theme was designed as a general purpose theme. Using content gadgets as building blocks, it results in a modern flat design. Also, this theme make good usage of inverted typography and dark backgrounds. It can be used by anyone who likes dark palettes for their site and contrasting typography for a better reading experience.

Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. Since our focus is small organizations, we've designed Wild Apricot to be both powerful and affordable.

Content building blocks

This theme uses content gadgets as building blocks. Colored lines at the top of each gadget on this page are added using separate content gadgets with a background color. This allows you to use any number of colors to highlight logical parts of your web site, break page in to blocks, and arrange your message so the most important information is visible right away.

The look of the theme can be customized by simply choosing different spacing for gadgets and selecting background colors that are best fit for your association. Taking colors from your association logo is in most cases the right way to go.

Tanzania Columbus Community Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO BOX 936, Worthington OH 43085

tanzania columbus community association


  • No upcoming events


Tanzania Tourist Board welcomes you to Tanzania's official destination portal, with everything you need to know about our beautiful country in one easy location

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This is your top story link that can lead to a blog post, forum topic, or a separate page.

You can use content gadgets to display your custom content, including text, pictures, tables, and links. You can use our other gadgets to display dynamic content from your Wild Apricot account, like recent blog posts or upcoming events.


Any good-looking site must have some kind of system to make it look consistent across all pages and within pages themselves. With this theme, you can use all kinds of grids to make that happen. You can use a 10px grid so all your margins and padding will be a multiple of 10. Or you can use any other grid, but once you've chosen your multiplier, we advise you stick to it. In our case, we use 10px as layout and gadget spacing, and 40px as side padding for the gadgets themselves.

By sticking to the grid, you can be sure that any content you place will match your design and look consistent.

Donation goal

To track your fundraising efforts, you can add a donation goal to a page on your site. The donation goal gadget displays a progress bar that measures progress towards your financial goal.
Goal: $100.00
Collected: $0.00


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